Ideal Dental Care

Removable Denture Instructions

  • Patient must follow the insertion and removal technique as advised by the dentist.
  • Initially, wearing the dentures may feel strange. Feeling of cheek and lip fullness or the denture feeling bulky is normal and temporary and will take a few days to weeks to get used to it.
  • There may be difficulty in speech and mastication initially and is only temporary till you get accustomed to it.
  • Dentures tend to accumulate more food debris than natural teeth. Hence it is advised to clean them after every meal and before retiring at night. It is recommended that the patient have two brushes, a denture brush for cleaning the denture and a soft tooth brush to clean the supporting soft tissue. Tooth pastes should be avoided. Commercially available denture cleaning solutions and tablets can be used. Ultrasonic cleaners can also be used.
  • Patient is advised to store the denture in water or in a dilute medicinal solution, in an air-tight container (water should be at room temperature, avoid usage of hot water. Water should be changed regularly.)
  • Ideally the denture must be placed 8 hours outside the mouth, to provide rest to supporting tissues and reduce the rate of resorption. Wearing denture in the night is not advised.
  • Isolated sore may develop and patient is advised to visit to the dentist for relining. In severe cases of soreness, in such a case it is advised to discontinue use of prosthesis and consult the dentist urgently. Patient is advised not to perform self-adjustments or self-repair on the denture.
  • Avoid biting on hard or sticky food. Avoid cracking of nut shells or similar kind of activities with the prosthesis, as it may end up damaging the prosthesis as well as may cause sore spots.
  • A recall is advised 24 hours after the insertion appointment to correct occlusal disharmony and to check for immediate tissue reaction. Next visit is after a week to check for tissue reaction. Patient’s experience and comfort is also enquired and problems are corrected. A recall is recommended every 3-6 months to determine tissue reaction and amount of ridge resorption. Yearly recall visits to check the necessity for relining or rebasing.