Ideal Dental Care

Post Composite

  • Natural teeth can be broken with heavy force, such as chewing hard objects. In the same way, composite fillings can be broken due to heavy force. To avoid this, you should avoid chewing excessively hard foods on the filled teeth (hard candy, ice, nuts, etc.) since composite resin material can break under extreme pressure. If breakage occurs, the replacement of the restoration is not difficult.
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold for a few weeks following a filling is quite common. Generally, the deeper the cavity, the more sensitive the tooth maybe. If you feel the bite is not correct, please make an appointment for a simple adjustment.
  • In the case of anesthetic injection, the numbing in the upper jaw will last approximately 1 hour, and the numbing in the lower jaw will last up to 4 hours. A soft diet is recommended until the numbing wears off. Also, avoid hot drinks or foods until the numbing is gone.
  • The anesthetic injection site along with some irritation of the gum tissue during the procedure may result in some soreness for a few days.
  • Your finished filling may have a different texture than your original tooth and maybe contoured somewhat differently. The tongue intends to magnify the small differences, but you would become completely accustomed to them within a few days.
  • Composite fillings harden immediately and require no waiting time to eat.
  • Visit us for regular 6-month examinations. Often small problems that develop around the restorations can be detected at an early stage and repaired easily.
  • Please follow prescribed oral hygiene instructions- 45-degree angle brushing twice a day and flossing once a day to avoid getting a cavity or gum disease around the filling.
  • Slight stains at the tooth restoration junction are common. Please tell us if this condition occurs.