What is Preventive Dentistry?
Preventive dentistry is keeping the teeth and gums clean and healthy by using oral hygiene procedures. This involves routine dental checkups along with proper brushing and flossing twice every day.
What dental services are a part of preventive dentistry?
- Oral examination every 6 months
- Scaling and polishing every 6 months
- Routine X-rays
- Fluoride application and sealants to prevent cavities (usually used in children)
What at-home practices are a part of preventive dentistry?
- Brushing the teeth using a soft-bristled toothbrush for two minutes twice a day
- Flossing the teeth once a day (usually at night)
- Using mouthwash to rinse the mouth
- Avoiding smoking and tobacco chewing
- Having a healthy and balanced diet
What are the advantages of preventive dentistry?
- Reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum diseases
- Helps in the early identification of diseases in the mouth
- Prevents malalignment and decay in permanent teeth